Our ancestors tried to tame hen for a long time to have an opportunity to eat well. Hens live near people already 8 thousand years!

Hen egg consists of protein, 12 main vitamins and almost all micro components. It is a nature takes care about hen future development and creates a powerful stock of vitamins. Vitamin A influences on growth, eye vision beneficially, immunity increase and organism infections stability. Vitamin E is a panacea: if to use eggs regularly they help to strengthen the heart muscle and counteract with a cancer development, do not allow to become old earlier and allow to keep our beauty. Vitamin D helps to assimilate calcium, one egg provides half of a daily need of the person. Vitamin B12 is enough in one egg so that satisfy a daily need of the organism for 100%. Also this vitamin is necessary for normal blood circulation and preventive measures of   nervous diseases. Hen egg is one of the products which has vitamin K for blood coagulability.

Especially eggs are useful for girl-teenagers : if to use boiled or fried eggs regularly, the risk of the breast cancer development becomes very low.

Hen egg is a source to get Phosphorous, Sulphur, Ferro. Moreover, there is Ferro in its organic form more assimilating for people organism and in a fresh egg Ferro is enough for dietetic nutrition of people.

Also there are essential amino acids in eggs which are useful for protein creation in the organism. They are essential because they cannot be synthesized in the organism and must be received with food, for example, with eggs, meat, chicken and fish. Amino acids are “bricks” consist of protein. Muscles,  copulas, sinews, all organs and glands, hair, nails are formed out of protein in people’s body. Proteins are a part of liquids and bones. Ferments and hormones regulate all process in the organism and protein too.

The word “protein” at first was given namely to an egg protein which is curtailed into a white insoluble mass under a heating process. The egg protein became a standard for protein assimilability: it is assimilated for 96% in the organism as eggs distinguish a good balance of valuable amino acids. All other products – protein source – subdivide according to assimilability degree of comparison with the egg protein: 89% cow milk, fish; 77% - meat. In spite of widespread opinion about hen eggs harm because of cholesterin in them, a lot of modern scientists proved that cholesterin is an essential “building” material for every live check, it forms necessary elastance, durability and permeability of external cellular membranes. Also cholesterin is the main component for bilious acids synthesis, different hormones including sexual organs, vitamins of group D. Babies and the growing children need rich fats and cholesterin products for normal brain development and nervous system. It is not recommended to use eggs extremely for old and sick people. 

According to information of the journal “Meats & Poultry” (2006) there are seven useful food products: brown rice, hen eggs, milk, spinach, bananas, salmon, bilberry.

Experts note that a complex of functional components of eggs prevents a thrombosis, decreases a risk of cardiovascular diseases and other ones.

Generally speaking we need to eat eggs!

Today nutritionists recommend a healthy man to eat 1-2 eggs per day. One hen egg provides a daily need of the person in protein on 10%, fat – 7%, phospholipids (lecithin) more than 50%, vitamins – from 5 up to 100%, iodine – 15-20%, zinc and honey – 8-10%, selenium – up to 50%.

A lot of food products has health giving qualities: fruits and vegetables, honey, milky products, remedial herbs and certainly eggs.

But remedial characteristics of eggs can be increased: a lot of vitamins and micro components in eggs can be increased in several times due to additional including them for hen laying feeding. Forages enrichment allow to sate the organism with a lot of useful elements for hens and provide an accumulation of vitamins and micro components in eggs.

Thus useful hen eggs become a remedial product: it has an improving effect, normalize all organism systems, increase a quality of human life.